Be Prepared
In addition to the Ten Essentials and other recommended equipment and knowledge, up to date weather, ground conditions and trail information are vital to being a safe and prepared hiker.
Below are some links to resources for that info that are particularly helpful in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Note that this list is not exhaustive.
Plymouth States Meteorology Website: helpful forecasting for the Plymouth area and forecasting tools for those who know how to use them
Mount Washington Observatory: The “Regional Weather” page offers good forecasting for the North Conway area, Higher summits and generalized forecasting for the state.
Mountain Forecast: Offers decent localized forecasts including predicted summit conditions.
Trail Conditions
New England Trail Conditions: Offers user submitted reports
Trails NH: Collates relevant info from various websites by Mountain
Squam Lakes Association: The SLA closes many of its trails for Mud Season. Check here in the spring to see when they’ve closed, and when they’ve opened back up.
White Mountain National Forest: This site lists trail, road and developed recreation site closures and has a link to a list of seasonal road closures including those on Tripoli Road, Sandwich Notch Road and other road in, or that provide access to the Lakes Region.
Maps & Trail Info
Caltopo: Online mapping software
Belknap Range Trail Tenders: This page, and many others on the site, provide useful maps and trail info for the Belknap Range
Wonalancet Outdoor Club: Provides some trail, road and shelter updates. The WODC also produces the best map for the Sandwich Range, which is available for purchase on their website.
Squam Lakes Association: A helpful map of trails and campsites around Squam lake
Lakes Region Conservation Trust: A collection of maps to their properties in the Lakes Region
Obtain a Hike Safe Card
This $25 card can keep you from being liable to repay rescue costs if you need to be rescued. Also, every purchase supports NH Fish and Game search and rescue efforts. This $25 card can keep you from being liable to repay rescue costs if you need to be rescued. Also, every purchase supports NH Fish and Game search and rescue efforts.